批踢踢實業坊 KoreaDrama 板
[心得] 欸 信義看了沒阿!!
Jul 20th 2014, 20:45, by elan5225

作者elan5225 (我是雨不是人)


標題[心得] 欸 信義看了沒阿!!

時間Sun Jul 20 20:45:03 2014

因為一篇討論演技的討論文讓我又想把堆積很久的信義心得文生出來 圖文帥照版可參考網誌 雖然敏鎬xi今年的代言接不完活動接不完是因為繼承者 但我真心要大推的是 "信義"!是 "信義"!是 "信義"!是 "信義"!(真的很激動) 每次朋友鬧韓劇荒的時候問我要看什麼 我總是會直接說 欸 信義看了沒阿???(然後就很多人跟我說看一半就撐不住了) 朋友啊 真的要撐過去 撐過去之後小花CP會牢牢放在你心裡的 信義這故事就是一個穿越劇,其實一開始我也是小白眼李敏鎬+金喜善的組合 對金姊姊真的很不好意思,但我刻板印象就是覺得這姊弟戀真的太誇張 事實證明演技是可以跨越年紀的(耶!) 信義這故事架構在高麗最後幾年那悲哀的時代 李敏鎬飾演的崔大將 崔瑩,就是個人生只剩下國家跟睡覺的枯萎男子(疑?) 因為迎接新王的過程中,新的王妃媽媽受傷 導致他必須透過天門跑到現代拐跑了一個整形醫生 柳恩琇回到古代醫治王妃媽媽 而故事就從這裡正式開始 因為新王的懦弱還有國家的動盪還有一個府院君奇撤的未來夢 讓我們的大將非常~~~~~~的辛苦 (在這邊真的要稱讚一下這部戲的武打真的做得不錯) 一開始的恩琇真的是嘰嘰喳喳的讓人覺得有點煩 (我知道很多人都在這邊卡關就放棄惹 哭哭) 但漸漸地因為這些旁支的干擾,恩琇開始正式面對自己已經處在一個動亂的年代 也知道了他口中的瘋子崔瑩其實為了保護她保護國家保護王做了多少的努力 也讓崔瑩知道真正的勇敢與堅強,不是豁出去的不懼怕死亡 而是為了守護心愛的人勇敢的活下去! btw我真的不想詳述王跟奇徹的來龍去脈,因為你們的戲份已經太多了(怒指) 成長懂事的恩琇,開始正視自己的心,正視自己的未來 也發現了他對崔瑩的放不下,然後一本神秘的記事本又把故事帶到了時空旅人的情節... 這部戲我覺得最動人的地方 除了小花CP的彼此守護還有兩位主角眼神對到時的啪喫啪喫火花 主題曲的CARRY ON 總是在關鍵的地方響起.都會讓人有狠桑心的感覺 結局我真的不想暴雷,但不管最後一集主角戲分少到讓我當年怒摔桌子 我真的覺得恩琇的愛情很令人動容 很可惜的是台灣怎麼都不帶入這劇 這部戲我真的覺得是敏鎬xi花最多心力拍出來的(姐姐們都看到你的努力了 淚眼) 也因為後來導演跟編劇的衝突 還有劇組的問題 甚至最後導演也去世了(RIP) 讓這部戲悲劇的色彩又更濃了 但他真的是一部好戲 小花CP我過了快兩年還是記得他們當初給我的感動 最後我真的還是要說!!!! 欸 信義看了沒阿??? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

emotion306:東森一直不播阿(菸) 07/20 20:48

hsiao1208:原po意圖使人再次從頭蕊信義!我想起兩年前那段live小 07/20 20:56

hsiao1208:花計時器時光了(遠目) 07/20 20:56

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民進黨中常委改選出爐 英系首獲兩席
Jul 20th 2014, 14:19





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批踢踢實業坊 Tainan 板
[食記][中西] 阿和肉燥飯
Jul 20th 2014, 22:06, by asq176

作者asq176 (sinck)


標題[食記][中西] 阿和肉燥飯

時間Sun Jul 20 22:06:20 2014

★店  名:阿和肉燥飯 ★地  址:台南市中西區府前路一段12號 ★電  話:06-2202619 ★營業時間:06:30-13:30 ★公 休 日: 圖文網製版 : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 說到肉燥飯 在台南阿和肉燥飯也是我滿喜歡的店家之一 來到這邊除了肉燥飯總是再點 荷包蛋 跟香腸 荷包蛋 屬於半熟 把蛋汁戳進肉燥飯 哈哈 美味 點香腸是因為今天太早來 菜還沒炒好 這香腸算瘦肉偏多 無肥肉型 感覺普普 沒太多亮點 魚丸湯 是手工魚丸 紮實Q彈好吃 不過價格不算低 $35 湯頭方面 也算普通 並不是鮮魚湯頭 但不難喝 就是了 來吃阿和 很多都是當地人 白飯淋肉汁 + 2個滷蛋 肉燥飯半碗阿 魚皮+魚腸阿 等等... 到櫃檯難道啥喜歡的跟老闆隨意點 就是了 吃早餐就是這麼隨興而已 ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 賽克旅行、美食 FB粉絲團 : 賽克圖文版(pixnet) : FB : 台南瘋攝影 Love in Tainan (喜歡拍照,歡迎加入社團分享) : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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批踢踢實業坊 Kaohsiung 板
[新聞] 漢神商圈附近民宅塌陷搶救後路面龜裂
Jul 21st 2014, 07:58, by qq00212369

作者qq00212369 (九天中)


標題[新聞] 漢神商圈附近民宅塌陷搶救後路面龜裂

時間Mon Jul 21 07:58:43 2014

高雄市自強三路187巷內、漢神商圈附近民宅,從昨天下午因地層塌陷 造連排房屋龜裂, 變形,連鐵窗鐵門也變形,警方為避免意外發生,緊急撤離屋內居民,並管制進出,工程 人員經過一夜的搶救下,似乎降緩房屋下陷的速度,但地層塌陷的路面卻明顯龜裂隆起, 令人怵目驚心。(吳世龍/高雄報導) 剛剛買早餐回來看到後面那棟後面很斜! 臨近的50飲料店感覺很抖.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

fire790125 :怎麼會這樣? 07/21 08:05

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批踢踢實業坊 ChungLi 板
[問題] 男生剪髮推薦!!??
Jul 21st 2014, 05:31, by skevin830126

作者skevin830126 (斷頭呆明)


標題[問題] 男生剪髮推薦!!??

時間Mon Jul 21 05:31:07 2014

小弟我搬來這裡一個月了 到現在都還沒剪頭髮QQ 爬過板上很多文 感覺在中壢的剪髮價位都不便宜 預算在350左右 大概就打個層次修短而已 小弟的習慣是出門抓個油頭 平常宅在家就隨便他 哈哈哈哈哈 希望板友推薦一些設計師 能在八月初上台北座談會頭髮別那麼雜就好 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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[售/台北] A33+16-105+35mm/NEX 5N
Jul 19th 2014, 09:08, by yslcoms

作者yslcoms (燒管?燒錢XD)


標題[售/台北] A33+16-105+35mm/NEX 5N

時間Sat Jul 19 09:08:41 2014

【物品內容】 1.Sony A33 2.DT16-105含B+W偏光鏡、白牌保護鏡 3.DT35mm 1.8 4.NEX 5N+18-55 【交易價格】 (請務必填寫,成交後嚴禁刪修價格) 前三項降售$20000 第四項$9000 【詳細說明】 (在此對物品做詳細說明) 非常少用,保存良好,不用時皆放置防潮箱 【交易地區】 台北地區可面交,其餘郵寄 【聯絡方式】 (請務必填寫) 站內信 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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路況快易通 旅遊暢行無阻
Jul 21st 2014, 00:43




路況快易通可在Google Play或App Store搜尋「路況快易通」即可免費下載,目前Android版用戶下載更新後即可看到最新的功能,iOS將在近期內完成更新。

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批踢踢實業坊 MobileComm 板
台北中壢有tab s10.5咖啡金現貨的店家?
Jul 19th 2014, 17:24, by rochis

作者rochis (巴黎花街好看ㄟ)


標題台北中壢有tab s10.5咖啡金現貨的店家?

時間Sat Jul 19 17:24:20 2014

這兩天問了幾家,發現已經陸續到貨了 但是都是8.5 咖啡金的 目前我需要的是10.5 咖啡金色LTE版 能夠配中華全能平板方案的店家 另外因為我還有幾個月才約滿 所以最好是可以直接辦理新機之外 可以幫忙解除舊約的 請問有沒有網友正好知道哪裡店家符合需求的呢? -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

Go2 :把上一篇刪了吧 07/19 17:25

rochis :已刪 手機po文剛剛送出失敗了 07/19 17:26

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批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板
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[分享] Cubs Prospects Profile: Jen-Ho Tseng
Jul 18th 2014, 17:31, by sky419012

作者sky419012 (fly)


標題[分享] Cubs Prospects Profile: Jen-Ho Tseng

時間Fri Jul 18 17:31:11 2014

Cubs Prospects Profile: Jen-Ho Tseng By Tommy Cook, Thursday at 7:40 am Cubs Prospects Profile Cubs Insider original scouting report/video Name: Jen-Ho Tseng Age: 19 Acquired: 2013 IFA ($1.625 mil bonus) Height: 6'1" Weight: 210 lb 2013 Stats: 62 1/3 IP, 2.74 ERA, 61 K, 8 BB, 55 H, 1.01 WHIP (Class A Kane County) (影片)

[embedded content]

The Delivery Out of the windup, Tseng takes a short side step and holds the position for at least two seconds before transitioning into the rest of his delivery. It's an interesting motion that is a big reason that he has what I'd describe as a distinctive delivery, even if it has little affect on the rest of his delivery. Out of the side-step pause Tseng kicks his knee up to the letters of his jersey while turning his lead shoulder a bit inward, all the while staying well-balanced on his back leg. From here, Tseng's body starts to lean towards home as he collapses his back knee and drops his ass toward the ground. It's a classic-drop and drive motion, which gives me pause, but he repeats his fairly well right now. Plus, he uses it to explode towards home, achieving great momentum and a very deep release point. Upon footstrike Tseng is in a powerful yet balanced position, with his landing knee bent significantly and his chest centered directly over that knee. Tseng is a big kid with powerful legs, making this a very stable position to release the ball from. After release, Tseng is still balanced, falling off towards first ever so slightly. It's a solid delivery, and Tseng's build gives me hope that he'll be able to overcome the issues with the drop and drive delivery. He's a tall kid (probably around 6'3" nowadays), so the lowered release point doesn't affect his fastball plane like it would a shorter pitcher. Tseng is also a solidly built kid (210 pounds already) and has room to fill out. With that extra muscle in his legs he should be able to repeat his drop and drive mechanics consistently. Tseng already finds his release point consistently, so the extra muscle could allow him to ramp up his momentum without sacrificing his balance at release. The Fastball Tseng's fastball sat 91-92 and touched 95 the first time I saw him, and sat 88- 91 (touched 93 once) in my second viewing. Tseng's only 19, so the inconsistent velocity from start-to-start doesn't worry me much. The fact that he was able to ramp it up to 95 in April was extremely impressive, and speaks to the ultimate potential that resides in Tseng's arm. As Tseng gets stronger, I could see him sitting in the 92-93 range and touching higher frequently. There's more to Tseng's fastball than it's raw velocity, though. The first of which is that he likes to add and subtract from it as he sees fit (h/t Mauricio Rubio). This is something he showed in July - he sat 88-90 in the 6th inning before finding himself in a two-on-one-out situation before immediately finding 93 in his back pocket to induce a double play. So in any given game he may be holding extra strength in the tank in an effort to pitch into the late innings. Furthermore, that deep release point I mentioned? It helps the pitch "jump" on the batter. The later release point is a foot or so closer to home, making a 90mph fastball appear a tick or two faster. Beyond that, Tseng's fastball also has a good amount of run to it. It's nothing extreme, but it's enough wiggle and fade to miss barrels.And, if you've watched the video above, you'll notice that he does indeed miss a lot of bats with his fastball. That's not easy to do in the low-90s, and is a sign that his delivery has some deception to it. I think the movement and bat-missing ability makes Tseng's fastball a plus potential pitch, dependent largely on where his velocity ends up. The Curveball Folks, I really wish I had better video of Tseng's curveball for you because when it is on, it is pretty. When he snaps a good one off, it has sharp bite and good 11-5 break (go to about 4:00 in the video to see one like this). It's easily flashing plus in moments like this. The problem is that he doesn't have a great feel for repeatedly executing the pitch. It's often hung up in the zone, or never breaks at all. Tseng is often able to find his fastball release point, so I would hope he'll eventually be able to do the same with his curve. If he does, it's a plus pitch for me, but he's got a long way to go there. The Changeup Jen-Ho Tseng has a very good feel for a changeup for a 19 year old. In my first viewing of him, Tseng was having quite a bit of trouble with his breaking ball. So, after 3 innings, he started moving to exclusively fastball-changeup sequences against hitters. Midwest League hitters had no chance against that changeup. Tseng's arm speed on his changeup is great, and it comes in with good fading action. It's not a Bugs Bunny changeup, nor one with crazy movement, but it has the combined velocity differential and the movement to be a bat-misser (Lord knows MWL hitters can't hit it). If Tseng's able to command it consistently, I think it has the potential to be a plus pitch at the major league level. The Command and Control As noted in the delivery section, Tseng's rock solid lower half allows him to find a consistent release point. As a result, Tseng has been able to fill the zone up with fastballs (just 8 walks in 62 2/3 innings pitched). Tseng already shows some ability to work both sides of the plate with his fastball, and given the balance in his delivery I only expect this feel for pitching to get better. That's a scary proposition for hitters, as Tseng's raw stuff should evolve into enough to get outs with simply average command. Instead, given the strength I expect him to add and his already repeatable delivery, I think Tseng will develop easily-plus command with a chance for a bit more. If he does develop that command, he'll be able to work advanced sequences against hitters and really attack hitters' weaknesses. Final Thoughts If the string of "potentially plus' evaluations of everything in his game hasn't clued you in already, I really like Jen-Ho Tseng. He's got projectability left in his frame, he has a repeatable delivery, and he has three pitches that flash plus at times. That's pretty fun to dream on. Tseng is also really fun to watch. He has a quiet cockiness on the mound, sarcastically reacting to bad calls in a subtle way, a flourish of the arm after he releases the ball, and a little hop-skip after striking someone out. That, plus his finding 3 extra mph in a big situation, makes me believe he has the mentality needed to pitch at a high level. It's not quite #rig or #diesel, but it's something close. If he hits his ceiling, I think Tseng is a very good #3 pitcher, one who will strikeout a surprising number of hitters with a 3-pitch mix that he commands very well. More realistically (if he stays healthy), he's a #4 type who occasionally flashes brilliance. Either way, Tseng is a highly intriguing prospect who is one of the many must-obsessively-follow prospects in the system. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

ppp111683:恩恩 原來是這樣 看來評價不錯 07/18 17:31

jamesyu545: #3 pitcher 07/18 17:32

davidwawa:天花板三號先發? 07/18 17:33

Alexxxxxxx:跟我想的果然差不多 07/18 17:33

Dawei1165:跟我想的差不多 07/18 17:33

laihom0808:不意外 07/18 17:34

powerlex:曾小弟加油!!! 07/18 17:34

jimmy357:看影片...控球是不是有點問題阿? 07/18 17:37

kindaichi21:天花板2-3號 中肯一點4號 07/18 17:38

ilove1530:恩恩 跟我想的一樣 07/18 17:40

remprogress:跪求翻譯Orz 07/18 17:41

sky419012:他BB/9並列聯盟第3低(1.2) 07/18 17:42

tony123839:直球曲球變速球都有機會成長為plus!! 07/18 17:43

tony123839:大概看得懂6.7成 不過還是需要高手翻譯~~ 07/18 17:44

Wells033:恩恩 原來如此 07/18 17:44

tony123839:變速球那邊提到的什麼Bug-Bunny是蝦毀XD 07/18 17:44

david319:那段的意思 是變速球沒有到很誇張或噁心的程度…… 07/18 17:47

a58461351:喔喔~~原來如此 07/18 17:50

Jonathan0821:專業文給推啊 07/18 17:57

PlayStation3:可以CALL大猩猩本命派Zamned~* 大大 07/18 17:57

joujima:喔 是這樣啊 07/18 18:11

sakaizawa:簡單說就是未來的賽揚獎 07/18 18:13

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批踢踢實業坊 Food 板
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[食記] 花蓮遠東天母洋蔥Mr.Onion牛排餐廳
Jul 21st 2014, 08:21, by joan0912

作者joan0912 (I)


標題[食記] 花蓮遠東天母洋蔥Mr.Onion牛排餐廳

時間Mon Jul 21 08:21:13 2014

餐廳名稱:Mr. Onion天母洋蔥牛排餐廳(花蓮遠百店) 消費時間:2014年/7月 地址:花蓮遠百-花蓮市和平路581號2樓 官網: 圖文網誌版: 以下為純文字心得: 補缺日誌受到來自花蓮遠東百貨.天母洋蔥的午餐約會邀請, 其實原本是約在星期五的晚上,可惜我們星期五晚上有固定聚會沒有辦法到! 於是改約成星期六的中午熱門時段。 而提到天母洋蔥這四個字,是不少人在學期間對於牛排餐廳的美好回憶! 當時招牌菜以德國酸椰菜豬腳及各式牛排餐為主。(現在應該也是) 天母洋蔥起源於1988年原店名為虹堡格,但這個店名常會被人叫錯成虹格堡, 在1993年改店名為【洋蔥】,洋蔥的老闆在踏入餐飲業的時候, 是從基層的學徒開始,他們最常接觸到的工作也就是切洋蔥了。 常常為了準備這道食材嗆到眼淚直流,對這份切洋蔥的感受特別深刻, 又想到『洋蔥』很容易讓顧客聯想到餐點的內容,所以才將餐廳取名為『洋蔥』。 天母洋蔥試營運期間,還不少花蓮人為了嚐鮮而來。 店內環境走的是鄉村風,紅磚瓦壁飾、瓦紅地板、仿舊的木質風格書櫃, 還有增添氣氛的玻璃吊飾燈、中古世紀的仿舊吊燈、牆壁上的壁燈。 自從小德佳滿月後,我們就開始帶著他到處跑,回娘家、逛街、聚餐等。 原本要和另一位我們也認識的部落客同坐,但小德佳的手推車有些大台, 加上我們現在邊吃飯也得邊顧著他,只好作罷! 服務員為我們安排了一個好位置,不僅可以輕鬆放入手推車, 而且很有隱密感,等會我也可以很方便餵奶。 手推車擺定位後,小德佳一臉淡定樣。 邀請卡 這是店家提供部落客一人份的餐點,和洋蔥提供的正規套餐不同, 原本應是沙拉、前菜、麵包、湯、主菜、甜點及飲料,少了沙拉及前菜。 另一份餐點,我們自己選了義大利麵套餐。 原本洋蔥以為我們有帶小朋友,殊不知我們帶的是寶寶, 本來還幫我放上兒童座椅及小朋友要使用的餐具, 這裡不僅會預備小朋友的餐具,還有兒童餐可以點哦! 算是個很適合全家老中青聚餐的地方! 主廚精選沙拉.水果沙拉 是各式當季水果佐芒果優格沙拉。 周末用餐的人很多,上完水果沙拉後,就開始了一段等待的時間, 剛好小德佳也餓了,拿出萬能哺乳巾,在那裡都可以很方便餵奶。 先餵飽他,我們等會也才方便享用餐點! 不過,他們的服務還不錯!會再來關切一下,告知我們用餐的人數很多, 我們的前菜、湯品等已經正在預備了……。 我們小德佳吃完母乳後,安穩地睡著嘍! 法式野菇濃湯 坦白講,我對磨菇濃湯已經有既定印象, 但是第一口喝下著實讓我驚奇, 濃濃的磨菇口感配合著適量的香草味及清新的洋蔥香, 沒有一般蘑菇湯惱人的奶香味, 這是會讓人記住的好味道。 烤洋蔥湯 我只能說:間單的食材只要肯用心,也能創造出美味的料理。 烤洋蔥湯給你滿滿的洋蔥味,使用新鮮洋蔥熬煮的洋蔥湯, 上面還放上烤過的洋蔥絲(等下在多道料理當中也會使用,不虧是洋蔥店), 烤過的洋蔥味道有點類似紅蔥頭的香,但味道沒這麼重! 放上一塊乳酪任它慢慢融在洋蔥湯內,是道能讓人細細回味的湯品, 這道湯一定要慢慢的喝,細細的品味, 當熟悉味道後,再搭配香蒜麵包又是另一種不同的風味。 香蒜麵包 喝了剛才的磨菇濃湯及烤洋蔥湯,想必這又會有是一場充滿驚奇的際遇, 吃上一口果真如此,他不是一般的香蒜, 麵皮香酥而不過脆,麵體軟柔而不過韌, 除蒜香外,還帶了點洋蔥的清新, 因調味適中,適配搭湯品的絕佳良伴。 除蒜醬外,還灑上義式香料及少許洋蔥, 看似簡單的手法,卻使得普通的蒜香麵包, 提升到另一個層次。 香蒜烤田螺 這算是在法式料理中蠻常見的一道菜,對我來說這道還蠻新鮮的, 田螺的口感柔軟,再佐以香蒜醬,香蒜醬的處理有點像烤洋蔥湯, 因為偏重蒜香,洋蔥雖不是主角,但卻巧妙的提升了這道菜的層次感。 嚴格來說這應該算是創意料理, 一般來說:這道菜多是以奶油、巴西里、百里香製作, 也可以焗烤的方式呈現。 巴比Q燒烤牛排7oz 期待已久的牛排上菜囉! 擺盤簡約,令人賞心悅目, 特別之處在於洋蔥酥及洋蔥佐醬, 下刀切開牛排後,緩緩的滲出些許肉汁, 我還滿詫異的,以中價位的牛排餐來說,很少有堅持火侯精準的, 尤其正逢假日中午尖峰時期,這樣的品質控管要給廚房拍拍手, 理論上這樣的水準,應該是高價位排餐店才看的到, 依我的經驗,要不就是過熟,要不就是過生, 今天倒是讓我開眼界了。(希望品質可以一直維持下去) 其實,縱切面比較看個不出所以然, 橫切面就可看出端倪,標準的排餐處理方式, 先將肉汁封住,在以慢火燒烤,營造出層次性口感, 雖然這是基本功,但以這樣的價位算是值回票價了, 而在口味上還滿新鮮的,洋蔥酥佐以洋蔥醬, 如果說紅酒是牛肉的好朋友, 那蒜頭和洋蔥就是牛肉的好死黨, 因為每每處理牛肉時,總是少不蒜頭和洋蔥, 有助於提升牛肉的風味,同時也有中和油膩感的效果, 對於吃膩了黑胡椒&蘑菇醬,受夠了海鹽的無趣, 這是值得一嚐的好味道。 海鮮辣椒墨魚麵 比起牛排,義大利麵的表現真的是差強人意些! 是很台味的熱炒義大利麵,麵條裡並沒有讓醬汁完全入味, 醬汁是沉在盤底,需要自己趁熱多攪拌入味。 不過這道的海鮮料算是滿多的,有蛤蠣、魚片、花枝、蝦、小螃蟹, 蛤蠣很多,可是是那種小顆的,如果換成大顆,不用這麼多顆, 我覺得可以吃到蛤蠣飽滿的肉質會更好!(最好再給客人一個盤子來放殼) 甜點.提拉米蘇 指定的提拉米蘇的底非餅乾,不是我們喜歡的!所幸甜度不會太高~ 甜點.義式布丁 熱拿鐵、熱抹茶拿鐵 後記 以現在我們有小孩後,關注的重點已有所不同, 會考量餐廳是否有更便利小朋友的地方。 像天母洋蔥有提供小朋友餐椅、餐具及餐點, 分店位在花蓮遠百這裡也有個好處,有哺乳、集乳室也有換尿布的地方, 二樓有小朋友衣服、玩具的據點,一樓也會常辦小朋友的相關活動。 餐點的部份,巴BQ燒烤牛排七分熟令我們很滿意! 價位上也和歐鄉及西堤很雷同,如果是星期一~五有商業午餐,價格較低。 另外,隔壁桌的點的天母洋蔥招牌菜-德國酸椰菜豬腳我們下次也想試試看! -- 你餵貓吃東西、幫牠洗澡、幫牠挖便便 牠會認為自己是「神」,所以你要弄東西給他吃 …我是幸福的貓奴。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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