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thumbnail 世界盃/銅牆鐵壁 Neuer 成就金手套
Jul 14th 2014, 00:23, by (nownews)


隨著德國摘冠,門將Manuel Neuer也憑藉本屆世界盃演出多次精彩撲救,拿下象徵世界盃最佳守門員獎項的金手套榮耀。

Neuer為德甲勁旅拜仁慕尼黑門將,青少年時代還是足球、網球雙棲,並把擁有6次大滿貫金盃在身的Boris Becker視為偶像。






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thumbnail 世足落幕 J羅奪金靴 穆勒飲恨
Jul 14th 2014, 00:17, by (nownews)


(中央社里約熱內盧13日綜合外電報導)巴西世界盃足球賽今天落幕,哥倫比亞「J羅」羅德里格斯(JamesRodriguez)以6球位居進球榜龍頭,奪下金靴獎。德國前鋒穆勒(Thomas Mueller)以1球之差飲恨。



巴西球星涅馬爾(Neymar)、阿根廷隊長梅西(Lionel Messi)及荷蘭前鋒范佩西(Robin van Persie)本屆世足進帳4球。

進3球的包括法國的本澤馬(Karim Benzema)、荷蘭的30歲猛將羅本(Arjen Robben)、德國的許爾勒(Andre Schuerrle)、厄瓜多的瓦倫西亞(EnnerValencia)、瑞士的沙奇里(Xherdan Shaqiri)。

進2球的共22人,包括德國奪冠大功臣高齊、德國的克羅斯(Toni Kroos)、克洛澤(Miroslav Klose)、胡梅爾斯(Mats Hummels),巴西的奧斯卡(Oscar)、路易茲(David Luiz)、烏拉圭蘇亞雷斯(LuisSuarez)、克羅埃西亞曼祖基奇(Mario Mandzukic)等。

進1球的有80多人,包括比利時德布勞內(KevinDe Bruyne)、荷蘭亨特拉爾(Klaas-Jan Huntelaar)、法國吉洛德(Olivier Giroud)、英格蘭魯尼(Wayne Rooney)、葡萄牙「C羅」羅納度(CristianoRonaldo)、日本本田圭佑、法國普巴(Paul Pogba)、德國赫迪拉(Sami Khedira)、阿根廷伊瓜因(Gonzalo Higuain)、德國厄齊爾(Mesut Ozil)、格策(MArio Gotze)、阿根廷迪馬利亞(Angel DiMaria)。





14球─老穆勒(Gerd Mueller,德國)

13球─方登(Just Fontaine,法國)


11球─克林斯曼(Jurgen Klinsmann,德國)、柯克希斯(Sandor Kocsis,匈牙利)

10球─巴提斯圖塔(Gabriel Batistuta,阿根廷)、庫比拉斯(Teofilo Cubillas,祕魯)、拉托(Grzegorz Lato,波蘭)、李納克(Gary Lineker,英格蘭)、穆勒(Thomas Mueller,德國)、拉恩(Helmut Rahn,德國)。(中央社)


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thumbnail 吳宗憲主持作風難改? 郭建宏再批:無法接受
Jul 14th 2014, 00:28, by (nownews)





據悉,TVBS砸百萬辦世足之夜,更邀來蕭敬騰、安心亞、Dream Girls等大咖參與,但當晚8點半的彩排,吳宗憲依舊缺席,之後到現場就立刻開始錄影,被疑改變作風只改半套。郭建宏原以為吳開始懂得「尊重」,但事後又聽聞缺席一事再度重批,更說所有觀眾、工作人員恐怕都「無法接受」。而吳宗憲針對停播事件,今下午也將出面說分明。


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Jul 14th 2014, 00:00, by TechNews科技新報

A966307c6f83bc119eb59f37cf9e2dca 在 7 月 11 日時,中國中央電視台發表了一篇報導,警告 iPhone 將會利用衛星定位技術,記錄使用者的位置,包括家裡的住址、詳細訊息與移動紀錄,而蘋果則發表聲明否認相關報導。

中央電視台聲稱,即使使用者關閉 iPhone 的定位功能,蘋果還是可以蒐集關於使用者定位的相關訊息,並將這些訊息傳送到美國情報機構,也可能導致中國國家安全受到威脅。

蘋果立即發表了相關聲明,從相關技術的解釋上著手,表示該公司「不會追蹤用戶的定位, Apple 以前從未這樣做過,以後也永遠不會這樣做。」

同時也該公司也於聲明中回應「Apple 從未與任何國家的任何政府機構就任何產品或服務建立過所謂的『後門』」,同時也表示該公司不會將任何定位資訊儲存於 iTunes 或 iCloud 中,目前的定位服務並不是「默認(預設)」,使用者可以自由選擇是否使用定位服務。

為了避免得罪中國官媒,蘋果也表示「我們非常感謝 CCTV 的努力,就這一我們也認為非常重要的議題來協助進行用戶教育。」

去年四月受到中國媒體批評蘋果的售後服務與維修策略後,蘋果執行長 Tim Cook 立即道歉並承諾改善相關問題;而這次蘋果在聲明中表示,iOS 的下一個版本將會更頻繁地提醒用戶「已經開啟了定位服務」,包括在每一個會使用定位服務的應用程式中,增加一個詢問定位許可的彈出視窗。

過往美國經常針對中國的駭客與華為等公司做出指控,表示許多中國公司都可能協助中國蒐集情報,因此拒絕使用中國科技製品或服務,但自從「稜鏡事件」爆發後,包括蘋果、Google 在內的公司都受到了協助美國收集個資的相關指控,而中國官媒這次對於蘋果的指控,似乎也透露出一股反指控的味道。


中國「掃黃」超好用:要關網站或關人都行,快播 Qvod、新浪網全中招



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台北頻飆高溫 鄭明典:不排除上看40℃
Jul 14th 2014, 00:21





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Re: [新聞] 噴水柱消暑 象牛球迷水槍大戰
Jul 14th 2014, 08:04, by ms6163

作者ms6163 ()


標題Re: [新聞] 噴水柱消暑 象牛球迷水槍大戰

時間Mon Jul 14 08:04:20 2014

像這樣子的活動才能算是健康的職棒活動之一 玩水之外還可以消暑 增加看球的品質 反觀那種露奶+火車便當之流的 只是教壞小朋友而已 ※ 引述《andy880036s (倪將再起)》之銘言: : 〔本報訊〕中華職棒象牛大戰於天母棒球場開打,今(13)日台北創下37.8度高溫, : 兄弟象球團擔心球迷熱昏頭,特別舉辦「涼水祭」幫球迷消暑,比賽開打前,球員丟 : 水球到觀眾席,比賽開打後,兄弟隊只要安打、得分就有水柱噴灑。 : 兄弟球團為應付今日炎熱天氣,特別準備300支小水槍發送給球迷,讓拿到水槍的球迷 : 提前開始大戰,就算淋了一身濕,在這樣酷熱的天氣下,球迷臉上都掛著滿臉笑容。 : 由於兄弟球團會噴水柱,不禁讓人想到鎮暴水柱,因此兄弟後援會透過廣播說,水柱 : 的強度大概是等於下雨,力道不會強到把觀眾趕走。 : 中信兄弟隊別開生面,在天母球場舉辦「涼水祭」活動,比賽開打前,球員會丟水球 : 到觀眾席,讓球迷涼快一下,比賽開打後,兄弟隊只要安打、得分就有水柱噴灑,讓 : 球迷大聲加油,希望兄弟打者能一直敲安打。觀眾席上水柱噴灑的範圍大概1000個座 : 位,兄弟球團準備了1500件雨衣發送。 : -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

toya123:( ′﹀‵)/︴<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< 07/14 08:13

leveedarter:引戰文無誤 07/14 08:13

Mudders:哦 07/14 08:14

RELIFE168:可憐阿 無法擺脫的儉樸魂+崩潰文 增加看球品質?哪裡? XD 07/14 08:15

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[分享] 韓國朴炳鎬連續3年30全壘打,史上第四人
Jul 14th 2014, 08:15, by nikitwins

作者nikitwins (我們有自己的玩法)


標題[分享] 韓國朴炳鎬連續3年30全壘打,史上第四人

時間Mon Jul 14 08:15:00 2014

耐克森英雄朴炳鎬7/11打出本季第30號全壘打 連續三年全壘打在30以上 是韓職史上第四位達成此紀錄選手 (前三人是:李承燁,T.WOODS,馬海泳)

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gauiugr:韓職投手的水準 = = 07/14 08:21

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[問題] win7的小工具,若只用原本的,安全嗎?
Jul 14th 2014, 08:24, by udm

作者udm (終於換新電腦了^^)


標題[問題] win7的小工具,若只用原本的,安全嗎?

時間Mon Jul 14 08:24:30 2014

如題, win7的小工具, 微軟已宣布有安全漏洞,所以有發布程式讓用戶停用。 但我看到的新聞是說建議不要從不可信來源獲取小工具。 那麼若我只用其中的原本幾項小工具,如匯率、小時鐘、行事曆, (也只剩這幾樣能用,其他的都無效了) 這樣還是會有安全問題嗎? 考慮的點是,若只開這幾樣小工具也會有系統安全問題, 那微軟應該是發佈重大更新,強制關閉小工具與側邊欄, 但今天只是發個新聞要用戶停用,別從不可信來源獲取小工具, 似乎表示若只用原本有的小工具其實是安全的?? 那麼為何微軟有提供用戶完全停用小工具的程式讓使用者自行下載? 不知道有沒有關注過這事件的大大能解惑? 就是說只用原本的幾個小工具,也會造成電腦被他人控制嗎? 謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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阿B未婚妻挑婚紗 邀50巨星赴喜宴
Jul 13th 2014, 23:38








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洛杉矶湖人 林书豪官方球探报告
Jul 13th 2014, 13:48


Jeremy Lin:
cdth PG
cdth 6' 3”
Weight: 200
Age: 25
Contract: $14,898,938 ('14-'15), but due to Gilbert Arenas provision only $8,374,646 would count against the Lakers' cap
Nickname: J-Lin
Years With Team: 0
Years With League: 3
Previous Teams: Golden State, New York, Houston
Acquired: July '14 trade with Houston Rockets (absorbed Jeremy's contract along with 2015 Houston Rockets' 1st round pick)

Lin has a very diversified offense--he takes roughly a third of his shots from three point range, mid-range and at the rim, so he's comfortable utilizing the entire length of the court. That, above anything, differentiates him from many of the lower-level point and combo guards in the league. At his best, Lin is penetrating deep to the basket for layups, drawing bushels of fouls, swishing spot-up and self-created mid-range shots, and hitting the occasional three, providing a viable source of offense. He is also playing good team defense and preventing teams from hitting money shots (layups and threes). At his worst, Lin stops short of the basket, displaying tunnel vision and missing open teammates as he flings up runners or takes tough fadeaway shots, or starts turning the ball over incessantly. He would also stop rebounding.

Lin's most unique asset is creating driving layups for himself: nearly 30% of his shots are driving layups, a rate in the fifth of all point guards, and he's also adept at utilizing reverse layups. It's also an excellent value play for him, because at 59.8%, he's well into the top third in conversion rate, and he does an excellent job of drawing fouls and finishing through contact, with a foul-drawing rate of 0.38 (a top six mark for points, and in line with what he's done career-wise). Another third of Lin's shots were from mid-range, and he's also an excellent value play here, with an above average percentage of 39.9%. Looking deeper, Lin in particular does well directly at the rim (63.2%) and from long mid-rangers (42.4%), his two hot-spots. In adapting to his hybrid guard role, Lin created his own shots at the rim roughly a third of the time, while his long mid-rangers were off a mix of assisted and self-created shots. Lin isn't great from long range, but posts somewhat respectable percentages (35.8% this year, 34.3% career) and there's definite hope given that he shoots a career 80.1% from the line on a large sample size.

The problem with Lin is not really about what he is, but what he isn't: one of the primary concerns is what position allows him to optimize his level of play while simultaneously elevating the team play. So far, the numbers paint his best position as shooting guard. If so, he lacks the next level athleticism to compensate for his lack of cdth while his dunk rate (0.6%) is perfectly fine for a point guard, as a shooting guard that is a bottom quarter rate. Despite a diversified offense, Lin also lacks the next-level offensive skills: he is a face-up driver and does not utilize his sturdy frame for post-ups, having attempted zero hook shots this past year. He's also not effective in the wonky shots: his points per play on runners, pull-up jumpers and in particular fadeaway and turnaround type shots are quite poor. Lin takes nearly a fifth of his shots in the in-between zones (4-15 feet), but only shoots 33.3% on runners and an abysmal 31.9% from no-man's land.

The other issue is that Lin is not a pure point guard by any stretch: in adapting to the Rockets' depth this past season, he took on a fairly mediocre usage rate. Despite that, his assist rate was bottom third among point guards this past season, and to add insult to injury, he had the fourth worst turnover rate. He had the worst combination of turnover rate and assist rate among points, for players who played over twenty minutes per game.

As a result, Jeremy's offense was less than the sum of its parts this season--adjusted by position, real-plus minus puts him a subpar 231st in offensive effectiveness (out of 430 NBA players), which jibes with 82games' assessment that the Rockets' offense was three points worse with him on the court. Looking deeper, Jeremy played nearly two-thirds of his minutes as point guard, but really struggled to generate offense at that position. While his scoring rate was nearly four points less, his efficiency was nearly six percent worse, and even at point guard his assist rate and turnover rates were noticeably worse. Not surprisingly, Jeremy operates better as the de-facto shooting guard in a team's five-man configurations, as he is not a true point.

Overall, on offense, Lin has a very interesting set of skills, as his ability to pair his constant finishing and foul drawing ability with a good mid-range jumper and foul shooting is appealing, on top of a diversified offense with respectable three point shooting. He has an excellent scoring base coming off the highest true shooting percentage of his career, and excellent guard penetration is something that is arguably harder to find than a guard who can shoot, so there is that level of appeal to his game.

At only age 25, there's also that allure of what he did in the past, and whether he can recapture it: in Houston, he was operating under a clogged offense with alpha males who demand the ball like James Harden and Dwight Howard in Houston. He didn't fit that style, because he wasn't a spot-up type or floor spacer, and at times he operates the same at-rim real estate as those two, which was why he had a net negative offensive rating. While he certainly did not play like a point guard whatsoever the past year, there is evidence favoring that with a higher usage rate. During that 35-game stretch of Linsanity in New York, Lin carried a top-four usage rate, which resulted in a top ten assist rate. He also sported a positive offensive rating, the only time he's ever sported a positive rating here in the NBA. Granted, the sample space is smaller and he was playing uninhibited in former Laker coach Mike D'Antoni's offense, but there there appears to be a direct higher usage to higher efficiency and assist rate correlation with him. Lin needs an open floor, essentially, to tap into what was previously decent to good point guard ability. There is a possibility that he can combine a high usage scoring-passing combination, but it appears in particular a high usage is necessary for Lin to actually make a positive impact on the team's offense. At the very least, he's a very good bench scorer if he cannot hone in the passing to its prior levels. He could certainly also work on refining his ability to hit more complicated shots in the no-man's zones, as well as further improving his long ball and cutting down his turnovers.

On defense, Lin actually rates very well. After adjusting by position, Lin was 77th out of 430 NBA players by defensive RPM the past year, a very good mark; 82games also agrees with this idea, with the Rockets being nearly three points defensively with Lin on the court. nbawowy also agrees, with the Rockets being 0.01 points per possession better defensively with Lin on the court. Lin-based lineups defended layups better by nearly three percent, while defending threes better by 0.6%. These markers are not a fluke, given that Lin also played good team defense during the time of Linsanity. Lin is also an excellent shotblocker by position (7th out of 63 point guards), continuing excellent rates that were seen in college and illustrating his savvy in leveraging his height to make up for lack of length. Still, Lin's imposed-athletic markers really, really tailed off this past season, with a defensive rebound rate in the bottom fifth of all NBA point guards. Lin put up excellent rebounding numbers in college and had put up a top 15 rebound rate in New York. After years of top-notch thievery in college and in his first three years in the league, Lin was also in the bottom third in steal rate this past year, but this might normalize back to its past levels, and considering the very good defense he might have played more contain-level defense the past year.

Lin was better defending point guards than shooting guards, holding down their scoring rate by nearly five points while reducing the efficiency by nearly ten percent, and in general he allows opposing guards to score. The ideal scenario to prevent crossmatching, and optimizing Lin, would create an offense centralized around him to allow him to play point guard at a reasonable level, so he can defend point guards well while being a positive on the team's offense. Lin appears to really, really elevate his game on all facets when he has the ball in his hands, and this even extends to rebounding and stealing the ball. A Lin at past year's level would require crossmatching--a SG offensively, and a PG defensively.

Overall, Lin is a very useful player--while he's definitely overpaid at $15 million this year due to the poison pill contract the Rockets gave him, there is at least some rationale for giving him a large amount of money in the first place. He's still only age 25, and he is a two-way player who might have been suppressed somewhat in Houston's alpha-male offense the past year. His offensive skill at the point guard--ability to draw fouls at will and finish--is a unique trait, and coupled with a very good mid-range shot, an improving long ball and possible point skills with a larger usage, there is a ton to like here. He also couples that with good defensive ratings on top of a precedence for thievery, defensive rebounding and shotblocking, with good size for the point. He is also a good locker room presence, a true professional, and a marketing magnet, especially in Los Angeles where there is a sizeable Asian population. Lin has a real penchant for turnovers and can stand to improve his in-between shots, both of which are real sources of frustration, but few players even have a diversified offensive game in their arsenal, and he's taking those shots in an attempt to grow into them. At the worst, he's putting up very good scoring and defending off-the-bench value, but he might be more than that as a rock-solid starter if he rediscovers the passing ability.

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