批踢踢實業坊 nb-shopping 板
[賣/台北]Acer 4743g i3-380m 4gb 1g獨顯14吋
Mar 6th 2015, 23:53, by yes131420

作者yes131420 (Aries翱翔)


標題[賣/台北]Acer 4743g i3-380m 4gb 1g獨顯14吋

時間Fri Mar 6 23:53:23 2015

◎筆電型號:Acer 4743g ◎規格配件 處理器:i3-380m 記憶體:2g+2g = 4G 硬碟:500g 作業系統:Win7正版 螢幕:14吋 顯卡:Nvidia GT540m 1GB 電池/續航力:1hr(建議插電使用) 附件:原廠筆電包、充電器(原廠、副廠各一) ◎照片連結:
◎交易價格: 8,500 ◎連絡方式: 站內信 ◎購買日期: 2011年4月15日 ◎保固期限: 2013年4月15日 ◎交易方式: 面交 ◎交易地點: 台北捷運線/新北林口/新莊/泰山/桃園龜山 ◎發票有無: 無 ◎其他附註: 筆電外觀保存良好,只有非常少數使用痕跡,有興趣歡迎站內信 ,謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

tanchuchan: 每天都po 辛苦了……這種價不好賣 03/07 00:14

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批踢踢實業坊 nb-shopping 板
[選購] 使用CAM的工作機 預算85K
Mar 7th 2015, 00:25, by Kespa

作者Kespa (胃全是垃圾)


標題[選購] 使用CAM的工作機 預算85K

時間Sat Mar 7 00:25:47 2015

: ████████████ 預算範圍 (禁填不限) ███████████████ 85K內 : █████████████ ①用途 ②常用軟體 ███████████████ ArtCAM、alphaCAM、masterCAM、CAD : ██████████ ①攜帶頻率 ②使用場所有無插座 ████████████ 常攜帶但不在意重量,工作地點有插座 : ██████████ ①使用國境 ②如在台使用請寫地區 ███████████ 國內 : ███████████ ①螢幕尺寸範圍 ②外觀偏好 █████████████: █████████████ 是否 必須內建光碟機 ██████████████: ███████████████ 補 充 項 目 ████████████████ 要做的事是利用CNC router做木頭、壓科力的雕刻,筆電的工作主要是 CNC router前製用的,工作平台5尺*10尺*30CM,最小刻度定在20條(0.2mm)。 是不是在繪圖(浮雕)時要3D? 算刀具路徑時要CPU? 因為不了解狀況,暫定i7、Quadro3100M或以上的機器。 其它的一些疑問: 1.原價屋看到的msi WT60是客製機嗎? 2.YAHOO拍賣上的 《胖哥》的機器可以用嗎? 3.類似筆電的該到哪裡找?比較?買? 4.我要做的工作需要甚麼等級的機器? 如果需要更詳細的細節再補上。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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批踢踢實業坊 Food 板
[請益] 盛園小籠包vs犁園小籠包 哪家才是一絕?
Mar 7th 2015, 00:13, by fionnfu

作者fionnfu (Fionn)


標題[請益] 盛園小籠包vs犁園小籠包 哪家才是一絕?

時間Sat Mar 7 00:13:45 2015

外縣市很挑嘴的朋友要來台北玩,說我們台北有很厲害的小籠包。 為了招待他,我趕快上來爬文... 發現文章最多、口碑最好的應該就是這兩家了吧~ 可以請各位給我一些建議嗎? 謝謝^^" 千萬別讓我洩氣呀... 感恩哩! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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[食記] 新竹 城隍廟 小熊與樹 小熊燒雞蛋糕
Mar 7th 2015, 00:17, by sherry1115

作者sherry1115 (nana媽)


標題[食記] 新竹 城隍廟 小熊與樹 小熊燒雞蛋糕

時間Sat Mar 7 00:17:19 2015

餐廳名稱:小熊與樹 小熊燒雞蛋糕 消費時間:2015年/3月 地址:新竹市中山路96號和仁化街巷口(西大發包子旁) 電話:0919-430363 營業時間:下午13:00~晚上9點賣完提早收攤! 每人平均價位:40$~50$ 推薦菜色:麻吉小熊 Nana媽四處趴趴走日記完整圖文版: 才剛吃飽私嚐 烤物、炸物、啤酒.騎車經過城隍廟.Nana聞到香味馬上跟我喊肚子餓> 第一次看到有包料的雞蛋糕蠻特別的! 小熊與樹✽小熊燒雞蛋糕有賣 ◎原味小熊8個40$ ◎麻吉小熊8個50$ ◎起士小熊8個50$ 還有米娜奶油跟米娜巧克力(4個40$).這5種口味 (都是蛋奶素) 先從麻吉小熊開始試起 可愛的心型小熊圖案 讓人一看直呼卡哇依 一扒開雞蛋糕 口感鬆軟充滿雞蛋香氣 包著又Q又黏的麻糬 這樣的組合滋味還不錯耶! 起士小熊是現點現做.要稍微等一下! 等下吃的時候 熱熱的起司才會牽絲! 起司片本身鹹度有比較高點. 孩子們比較吃不習慣! 都拿給NANA媽幫忙吃 有做奶油跟巧克力口味 則是米米跟娜娜造型 做好的雞蛋糕店家會放保溫箱裡 孩子們今天不想點奶油 幫他們多點巧克力口味 突然發現這張照片 剛好Nana吃娜娜真有趣 剛烤好吃的時候要小心 咬下去巧克力會瞬間溢出來會小小燙口 巧克力可口香濃 難怪孩子們搶著吃這一味! 吃完之後還可順便跟城隍廟的阿婆捧場大腸包小腸 最近天氣很冷讓阿公阿婆早點賣完早點回家休息 不然阿公阿婆沒賣完. 大概晚上10:30多會去中興百貨一帶載著癱瘓的兒子一塊去繼續賣大腸包小腸 【新竹城隍廟】一段感人故事/阿婆炭烤好吃香腸 ************************************************** 歡迎大家加入NANA媽四處趴趴走日記粉絲團 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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批踢踢實業坊 forsale 板
[3C] 新竹 全新台灣官網小米手環$395
Mar 7th 2015, 00:41, by vikey34

作者vikey34 (初學者)


標題[3C] 新竹 全新台灣官網小米手環$395

時間Sat Mar 7 00:41:32 2015

商品名稱:小米手環 購買網址:小米台灣官網購入 交易地區:新竹 商品價格:395 新舊狀況:全新 交易方式:面交(新竹市東區埔頂路8號 小七竹科店) 聯絡方式:站內信/手機/其他 其他說明:湊免運多買的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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范冰冰緋聞男友索吻 啵的竟然是台妞
Mar 6th 2015, 16:39







有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」

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【深夜正妹】豐乳蜜桃臀裁判 叫人怎麼專心比賽?
Mar 6th 2015, 16:32

32歲義大利模特兒羅瑪妮(Claudia Romani) 去年底取得義大利足球裁判證書,取得在義大利甲乙級聯賽執法資格,成功從辣模轉型為正妹裁判。有網友說裁判長這樣,球員怎麼好好踢球?


義大利足球裁判羅瑪妮穿這樣,到底讓不讓人好好踢球?翻攝Claudia Romani臉書

羅瑪妮的海灘寫真。翻攝Claudia Romani臉書

羅瑪妮身材前凸後翹。翻攝Claudia Romani臉書

羅瑪妮脫下比基尼上衣讓人拍照。翻攝Claudia Romani臉書

羅瑪妮愛秀蜜桃臀。翻攝Claudia Romani臉書




有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」

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扯!小黃駕駛載到「假人」 車資找不到人要
Mar 6th 2015, 07:06

NOWnews – 






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Connected cars, like autonomous cars, are coming. In fact, connected cars will likely arrive first, because the underlying vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) technology is simpler, cheaper, and enhances the ... 較多 
Connected cars, like autonomous cars, are coming. In fact, connected cars will likely arrive first, because the underlying vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) technology is simpler, cheaper, and enhances the effectiveness of self-driving vehicles by allowing them to "talk" to other cars on the road. Given our increasingly connected lives, you'd think that consumers would be comfortable with the impending arrival of connected vehicles. But just to be sure, the University of Michigan's Transportation Research Institute conducted a survey to quantify drivers' opinions.  To carry out their study, UMTRI's Brandon Schoettle and Michael Sivak created an online questionnaire that was answered by roughly 1,600 people in the U.S., the U.K., and Australia. Those responses confirmed general enthusiasm for connected vehicles, but also made clear that automakers need to address a few fears going forward. ALSO SEE: Hacking Cars Isn't A Problem Yet, But We're Getting There: Video FINDINGS The good news -- at least for tech fans -- was that 62 percent of UMTRI's respondents said that they had a positive opinion of connected cars, while "about a third" were neutral. A slim minority expressed negative feelings about V2V technology. What's more, roughly 75 percent of participants believed that "connected vehicles will reduce the number and severity of crashes, improve emergency response times and result in better fuel economy". And, 60 percent expected to see lower vehicle emissions, less congestion, and shorter commutes as a result of V2V technology. U.K. residents were the most optimistic about connected-cars, with 67 percent expressing positive opinions about them and just 4 percent sharing negative opinions. Australians followed, with 63 percent responding positively and 5 percent negatively. Americans were the most skeptical, with just 57 percent (still, a majority) seeing V2V technology as a positive development and 7 percent holding negative views. Despite the naysayers, 86 percent of respondents expressed interest having a connected car in the future. The dark cloud hanging over V2V is hacking: roughly 30 percent of those surveyed  were "very concerned" about security breaches on individual vehicles and on networks, with many worried that the technology might be used to track their speed and location. An additional 37 percent were "moderately concerned", with around 25 percent "slightly concerned".   Respondents also worried about failures of connected-vehicle networks, particularly during bad weather. And of course, more than a few thought that V2V technology might become a distraction or that drivers would become overly reliant upon it. PROBLEMS The UMTRI survey isn't without its flaws. For starters, the survey was conducted online, dipping into a pool of respondents who were likely to be at least vaguely comfortable with the internet and computer networks. That could've skewed the survey's results toward positive attitudes about V2V tech.  Much more problematic, however, was the fact that researchers had to do a lot of explaining about what connected cars are. Sadly, only 27 percent of Americans, 22 percent of Australians and 17 percent of those in the U.K. had even heard of connected vehicles. That doesn't necessarily throw the survey's findings into question, but the spin of that explanation -- positive or negative -- could've easily impacted the majority of responses. Are you concerned about V2V technology? Will you be the first on your block to own a connected car, or will you hang back and wait for version 2.0 -- or even 3.0? Share your thoughts in the comments below. ___________________________________________ Follow The Car Connection on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. 較少 

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百轉千迴 典藏黑膠特展開幕
Mar 6th 2015, 16:00

作者: 【台北訊】 | 台灣新生報 – 





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批踢踢實業坊 Gamesale 板
[PS4 ] 售最後生還者
Mar 7th 2015, 00:21, by jcyoaa

作者jcyoaa (阿伯)


標題[PS4 ] 售最後生還者

時間Sat Mar 7 00:21:53 2015

【遊戲物品名稱】:最後生還者 【遊戲分級】:限制級 【保存狀況】:九成九新(二月購入,破關就售出) 【語系版本】:中文版 【售 價】:1000 【地 區】:台中 【交易方式】:面交,宅配 【附註】:台中地區面交者佳 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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