全部主題 :: 遊戲基地 英雄聯盟LeagueofLegends 討論板
[新聞] 擊敗歐洲強隊Fnatic!ahq於《英雄聯盟》MSI季中邀請賽取得首勝
May 8th 2015, 01:26, by orcsbase ( 會打字的兔子 )

  《英雄聯盟》2015 季中邀請賽開打,台灣隊伍 ahq 首戰對中國 EDG,在經過一陣激烈的競技之後不幸落敗,將緊接著對上歐洲隊伍 Fnatic,Fnatic為本次季中邀請賽第一個登場的隊伍,以極佳的表現擊敗了美國隊伍 TSM 取得首勝,也是個頗具實力的隊伍。

bandicam 2015-05-08 08-32-12-691
《英雄聯盟》2015 季中邀請賽比數紀錄

  ahq 開場 1 分就直接在下路埋伏,成功擊殺 Fnatic 的 ADC 取得了首殺,掌握了初期優勢,3 分時 ahq 趁著 Fnatic 下路缺乏視野的空隙進行夾擊,又再一次成功地拿下 Fnatic 的 adc 的人頭,6 分時 ahq 再次對下路展開奇襲,直接塔殺 Fnatic 的 adc 和輔助,但過程也送出了一顆人頭,Fnatic 史瓦妮攻至下路嘗試將 ahq 殘血的飛斯收掉,但卻慘遭反殺,讓 ahq 取得了多項優勢。

bandicam 2015-05-08 08-53-47-080

bandicam 2015-05-08 08-56-11-655

bandicam 2015-05-08 08-58-33-486
Fnatic 的 adc 不斷遭到擊殺

  Fnatic 雖說後續幾次攻勢下拉平了人頭數,但卻在多次野區會戰中失利,在 16 分時 ahq 已經領先 Fnatic 4 顆人頭數,並取得了 3000 塊的經濟優勢,Fnatic 嘗試拉近差距,在 19 分時於中路展開夾擊,但沒想到這場會戰卻不如他們預期順利,西門的飛斯多次進入跟脫離會戰,不斷造成大量傷害但 Fnatic 卻又無法阻止,在一陣纏鬥之下,ahq 打出了 0 換 4 的戰果。

bandicam 2015-05-08 09-13-00-328
ahq 於 19 分的會戰打出了相當精彩的會戰,取得了 0 換 4 的戰果

bandicam 2015-05-08 09-13-24-475
Fnatic Huni 嘗試單挑西門,卻慘遭擊敗

影音名稱 3

  ahq 後續取得小龍加成和巴龍優勢,28 分會戰還成功地打出了 ACE 的戰果,取得了 16000 的經濟優勢,掌握了賽局風向之後 ahq 開使慢慢地拿下 Fnatic 周遭的防禦塔和兵營,Fnatic 在此過程中完全無力反擊,讓 ahq 穩穩地拿下了首勝;ahq 取得首勝後,接下來將會對上土耳其 Beşiktaş E-Spor Kulübü(BJK),各位台灣玩家可別錯過了。


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批踢踢實業坊 EuropeTravel 板
【徵求】比利時rail pass
May 7th 2015, 14:08, by moite

作者moite (..)


標題【徵求】比利時rail pass

時間Thu May 7 14:08:47 2015

如題 希望可以徵求到 比利時RAIL PASS 四格 期限希望能在6/23後 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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批踢踢實業坊 Tainan 板
[食記][南區] 冬風•冬瓜茶飲專賣~推3Q鮮奶茶*試
May 6th 2015, 22:14, by smartrabbit

作者smartrabbit (狡兔~*)


標題[食記][南區] 冬風‧冬瓜茶飲專賣~推3Q鮮奶茶*試吃

時間Wed May 6 22:14:29 2015

※本文為體驗試吃食記分享,個人主觀感受僅供參考。 店家名稱:冬風‧冬瓜茶飲連鎖專賣店 地址:台南市南區大同路二段180號 電話:06-214-0058 營業時間:7:00~21:30 -------------------------------- [台南食記] 冬風‧冬瓜茶飲連鎖專賣店(大同店)~使用蔗糖! 天然無化學添加!3Q鮮奶茶&鮮百香果汁&冬瓜檸檬! (圖文網誌版) 狡兔和閃光又來到大同路二段,這條很熟悉的街道~~ 本次拜訪冬風茶飲,燒肉咬蛋、九州豚骨麵屋都在不遠處! 即使迷路也不怕餓扁,早餐、午餐、下午茶都可以在這裡解決! 路邊不曉得正在進行什麼工程,幸好我眼尖發現綠色扛棒! 因為相機故障未修好不得不延後過來,謝謝店長的體諒~~ 店長說她常在愛食記APP上面看見狡兔的文章,真是超感動! 愛食記APP頗實用,能根據目前所在地去搜尋周邊的相關食記, 但狡兔窩在家裡要覓食很少用它,列舉出來的幾乎是我的文章!^_^" (呵!基於地緣因素,我當然是寫比較多家鄉附近的餐廳食評......) 不過個人還是非常推崇免費的愛食記APP,藉此掌握美食資訊。 為什麼要取名冬風呢?它跟諸葛孔明借的東風一點關係也沒有...... 據說老闆是從夜市賣冬瓜茶發跡的,這間茶舖勢必離不開冬瓜啦! 冬風茶飲除了大同店之外,在仁德區中正路一段也有服務據點! 將茶葉和冬瓜圖像融入冬風二字的設計,白綠相間很舒爽! 銷售冠軍是冬瓜檸檬?突然想起某位同事最愛這一味...... 工作方面如果累積一肚子火,確實需要喝它一杯降火氣! 使用榮獲健康食品認證的養樂多,大廠牌總是多一分保障! 不定期推出特價飲品,但不適用於買五送一的優惠方案。 脆梅綠和鮮冰綠,皆選用來自梅嶺的青梅,製成天然脆梅! 至於蜂蜜系列的飲品,童叟無欺,加入100%純正龍眼花蜜! 糖量及冰量任憑顧客取決,狡兔習慣喝半糖少冰......(轉眼珠) 店家響應愛護地球!自備環保杯可折價,大杯省2元、中杯省1元! ◎採用本土茶葉: 茶農直送未經盤商,品質等同家用茗茶等級。 ◎遵循古法煉製: 冬瓜茶完全採古法製作,傳承百年古早味道。 ◎新鮮水果鮮榨: 完全不使用濃縮果汁,保證鮮榨,健康滿分。 ◎純淨水質保證: 三道樹脂濾心及一道愛惠浦濾心,喝得安心。 ◎安心天然食材: 珍珠、波霸等食材絕無防腐劑及化學添加物,使用天然白糖(蔗糖),不使用人工果糖。 店長和店員都是年輕正妹,男生們快擦一下口水和鼻血吧! 第一杯700c.c.的大杯飲料做好了,再等另外兩杯...... 媽媽帶著兩個兒子來買飲料,可見對冬風的品質感到放心! 近七十種飲品,眼花繚亂!menu上標註推薦符號的優先點選! 茶舖前方無任何座椅,所以我們就近尋找適合拍照的地方...... 走到大林國宅裡面的小公園,幸好沒被住戶驅離!^_^||| 各位猜得出來狡兔點了什麼飲料嗎?其實顏色也影響我的決定! 如果是外觀太相近的飲品,我就剔除沒選......(摩羯的深思熟慮!) 冬瓜茶類的飲品必點!那天不想喝太甜,叫了冬瓜檸檬! 這杯呈現漂亮的漸層色,因為裡頭還有愛玉(加價10元), 狡兔之所以這麼搭配,純粹是希望能讓嘴巴不無聊~~ 但我真的很後悔添加愛玉,忘記愛玉本身會"出水"的特性! 雖然基底冬瓜茶的糖度固定,可是冰塊一融化也會稀釋味道, 使得冬瓜茶的那股味兒變淡了,反倒檸檬的酸香較為顯著...... 藉由親身經驗告訴大家:別學狡兔多此一舉!不要隨便加料! 那天聽見某位小姐點了原味的冬瓜茶,果然是內行人!(泣) 狡兔是超級奶茶控,大嬸心態使然,選了3Q鮮奶茶! 所謂的3Q包含波霸、金角、粉條,加以牧場的天然鮮奶! 這麼一大杯內有三種配料的鮮奶茶售價55元,價位相當合理, 同事小婷前幾天喝某品牌的中杯奶茶,沒加料就要85元!? 呃,狡兔預算不多喝這個就好!奶味大於茶味,香醇順口! 店長說當中的波霸和古早味金角、粉條,來自手工製作的廠商, 不同程度的Q彈在嘴裡翻騰著,咀嚼起來饒富趣味~~ 店家的果汁標榜新鮮水果現榨,那就點一杯百香果汁吧! 狡兔本來不喜歡吃百香果,突然愛上它是近幾年的事...... 兔媽偶爾會從菜市場買回來,切開後一人一半用湯匙挖食! 有些人可能怕酸、有些人可能討厭吃果籽,勉強不來! 這杯半糖少冰的鮮百香果汁偏酸,果香濃郁,喝了暑意全消! 狡兔一時失算沒喝出冬瓜茶的精髓,但我要大推3Q鮮奶茶~~ 最近茶飲的食安風暴不斷,看倌若有疑慮,改喝冬瓜茶和果汁!^_^||| 狡兔再次澄清:「這個鬍渣男不是我!狡兔是女生啦!>_※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

bmw3633: 狡兔先生你好 滑鼠兔向你問安 <(_ _)> 05/06 22:18

reesion: 狡兔是女生啦 05/06 22:19

skhedy: 眼花「撩」亂 05/06 22:20

reesion: 自從上次看到原po食記寫了「電風扇很有型」後 05/06 22:23

reesion: 我每週都很期待原po的大作 orz... 05/06 22:23

ku8l: 請問這樣稿費是多少 05/06 22:24

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批踢踢實業坊 give 板
[贈送] 中壢 妮維雅 in-shower 潤膚乳
May 6th 2015, 23:34, by w75102720529

作者w75102720529 (濫情不犯法)


標題[贈送] 妮維雅 in-shower 潤膚乳

時間Wed May 6 23:34:22 2015

物 品:全新 妮維雅 in-shower 潤膚乳(250ml)*1 到期日(食品及美妝品請加上到期日):2016/9 領取地點:中央大學側門 期 限:送出為止 聯絡方法:站內信 備 註:另外還有一瓶已打開用過的,大概還有一半,不介意的話,可以一起索取~ -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: w75102720529 (, 05/06/2015 23:41:17

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批踢踢實業坊 DC_SALE 板
[售/ 台北] Sony DSC-KW11香水機(粉)
May 7th 2015, 22:59, by kaohd

作者kaohd (noki)


標題[售/ ] Sony DSC-KW11香水機(粉)

時間Thu May 7 22:59:30 2015

【物品內容】Sony DSC-KW11香水機(粉) 【交易價格】 18000 【詳細說明】 全新 【交易地區】臺北市 【聯絡方式】 站內信 含相機、32g記憶卡、底座、電池、充電器,手提包 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: kaohd (, 05/07/2015 23:00:29 ※ 編輯: kaohd (, 05/07/2015 23:01:01

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憂九二共識 蔡英文促朱立倫說清楚
May 5th 2015, 14:37

憂九二共識 蔡英文促朱立倫說清楚

2015-05-05 22:37:02 中央社 台北5日電









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批踢踢實業坊 job 板
[台北] 徵自由工作程式工程師
May 8th 2015, 13:14, by debbbyy

作者debbbyy (愛迪安)


標題[台北] 徵自由工作程式工程師

時間Fri May 8 13:14:43 2015

[1;41mjob版禁止張貼違反「 [33m就業服務法 [37m」、 [;37;41m「 [1;33m性別平等工作法 [;37;41m」、 [1m「 [33m勞基法 [37m」與其他法律之文章 [m [1;41m發文者已同意一切遵循現行法律,並確知文責自負。本工作確實勞健保!! [44m此兩行刪除,文章會被刪除不另通知。 [m [1;30m※ [m請各位資方配合遵守。 【公司名稱】Kendall & James Homes 【工作職缺】 程式工程師 Mobile Designer/Developer 【工作內容】 We are looking for an ambitious, hard-working mobile designer/developer who is excited to work in a start up environment. In this role, the Mobile Designer/Developer designs, develops, modifies and implements intuitive, usable and engaging iOS and Android applications, according to technical design specifications, and following Apple/iOS and Android coding standards. This person will also lead efforts to conceptualize, design, build, and deploy l projects on both smart phones and tablet devices, as well as contribute in multiple facets to larger team projects. 我們在徵求一位有野心、努力認真並對剛起步的公司環境感到有興趣的程式工程師。此職缺需設計、研發、修改及補強iOS and Android程式且主導關於智慧型手機及平板電腦程式相關計畫。 Additional responsibilities will include, but are not limited to: " Utilize development tools, guidelines and conventions including but not limited to iOS & Android SDK, ASP.NET, C#/VB.NET, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, SQL, and TFS to design, code and test new iOS and Android mobile applications " Perform UI and UX Design, create supporting documentation, and leverage analytics to improve usability " Create interactive prototypes adhering to a rapid, iterative and collaborative process " Create technical specifications and test plans " Build out mobile services across the organization " Evaluate the performance of an application, testing and implementing appropriate improvements " Maintain existing apps by identifying and correcting software defects in an iterative fashion 【徵求條件】 " Must have a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related field, and 1-2 years of mobile application development and design experience with iOS and Android " Self-directed and passionate about mobility, and enjoys finding business value in delivering innovative new mobile applications in a fast-paced environment " Strong analytical abilities to evaluate complex technical, business and user requirements to create amazing solutions " Excellent written and verbal communications skills " Knowledge of systems development life cycle methodologies including agile/iterative " Knowledge of relational database concepts and data access techniques are a must " Experience working within a complex, highly-integrated, multi-tiered corporate environment is highly desired " User Experience Design and familiarity with the Xamarin platform are a plus " Working knowledge of Industry standard mobile application design patterns " Solid understanding of the latest design trends as exhibited in iOS 7/8 and Android current iterations " Ability to leverage sound usability and user experience principals " A current understanding of responsive design, mobile interfaces and content management systems; ability to replicate design and functionality aspects from one platform to another " Proven track record for deploying apps to both internal and external app stores " Working knowledge of application security issues " Ability to leverage hardware and operating system components like cameras, beacons, GPS, etc. " Technical requirements include: " iOS & Android SDK " C#/VB.NET " JavaScript / jQuery " HTML5 / CSS3 " JSON / RESTful / Web Services " SQL " Technical Pluses include: " MADP / Xamarin " MDM / XenMobile " Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator " Axure/Visio " TFS 【工作地點】 自由 【工作時間】 依照進度自由分配 【月休】 依照進度自由分配 【薪資範圍】 月薪25000-40000,可議 【需求人數】 1 【聯絡人/連絡方式】 呂小姐 0911019130 聯絡時間:10:00~20:00 [1;41mjob版禁止張貼違反「 [33m就業服務法 [37m」、 [;37;41m「 [1;33m性別平等工作法 [;37;41m」、 [1m「 [33m勞基法 [37m」與其他法律之文章 [m [1;41m發文者已同意一切遵循現行法律,並確知文責自負。本工作確實勞健保!! [44m此兩行刪除,文章會被刪除不另通知。 [m [1;30m※ [m請各位資方配合遵守。 【公司名稱】Kendall & James Homes 【工作職缺】 程式工程師 Mobile Designer/Developer 【工作內容】 We are looking for an ambitious, hard-working mobile designer/developer who is excited to work in a start up environment. In this role, the Mobile Designer/Developer designs, develops, modifies and implements intuitive, usable and engaging iOS and Android applications, according to technical design specifications, and following Apple/iOS and Android coding standards. This person will also lead efforts to conceptualize, design, build, and deploy l projects on both smart phones and tablet devices, as well as contribute in multiple facets to larger team projects. 我們在徵求一位有野心、努力認真並對剛起步的公司環境感到有興趣的程式工程師。此職缺需設計、研發、修改及補強iOS and Android程式且主導關於智慧型手機及平板電腦程式相關計畫。 Additional responsibilities will include, but are not limited to: " Utilize development tools, guidelines and conventions including but not limited to iOS & Android SDK, ASP.NET, C#/VB.NET, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, SQL, and TFS to design, code and test new iOS and Android mobile applications " Perform UI and UX Design, create supporting documentation, and leverage analytics to improve usability " Create interactive prototypes adhering to a rapid, iterative and collaborative process " Create technical specifications and test plans " Build out mobile services across the organization " Evaluate the performance of an application, testing and implementing appropriate improvements " Maintain existing apps by identifying and correcting software defects in an iterative fashion 【徵求條件】 " Must have a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related field, and 1-2 years of mobile application development and design experience with iOS and Android " Self-directed and passionate about mobility, and enjoys finding business value in delivering innovative new mobile applications in a fast-paced environment " Strong analytical abilities to evaluate complex technical, business and user requirements to create amazing solutions " Excellent written and verbal communications skills " Knowledge of systems development life cycle methodologies including agile/iterative " Knowledge of relational database concepts and data access techniques are a must " Experience working within a complex, highly-integrated, multi-tiered corporate environment is highly desired " User Experience Design and familiarity with the Xamarin platform are a plus " Working knowledge of Industry standard mobile application design patterns " Solid understanding of the latest design trends as exhibited in iOS 7/8 and Android current iterations " Ability to leverage sound usability and user experience principals " A current understanding of responsive design, mobile interfaces and content management systems; ability to replicate design and functionality aspects from one platform to another " Proven track record for deploying apps to both internal and external app stores " Working knowledge of application security issues " Ability to leverage hardware and operating system components like cameras, beacons, GPS, etc. " Technical requirements include: " iOS & Android SDK " C#/VB.NET " JavaScript / jQuery " HTML5 / CSS3 " JSON / RESTful / Web Services " SQL " Technical Pluses include: " MADP / Xamarin " MDM / XenMobile " Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator " Axure/Visio " TFS 【工作地點】 自由 【工作時間】 依照進度自由分配 【月休】 依照進度自由分配 【薪資範圍】 月薪25000-40000,可議 【需求人數】 1 【聯絡人/連絡方式】 呂小姐 0911019130 聯絡時間:10:00~20:00 【公司名稱】Kendall & James Homes 【工作職缺】 程式工程師 Mobile Designer/Developer 【工作內容】 We are looking for an ambitious, hard-working mobile designer/developer who is excited to work in a start up environment. In this role, the Mobile Designer/Developer designs, develops, modifies and implements intuitive, usable and engaging iOS and Android applications, according to technical design specifications, and following Apple/iOS and Android coding standards. This person will also lead efforts to conceptualize, design, build, and deploy l projects on both smart phones and tablet devices, as well as contribute in multiple facets to larger team projects. 我們在徵求一位有野心、努力認真並對剛起步的公司環境感到有興趣的程式工程師。此職缺需設計、研發、修改及補強iOS and Android程式且主導關於智慧型手機及平板電腦程式相關計畫。 Additional responsibilities will include, but are not limited to: " Utilize development tools, guidelines and conventions including but not limited to iOS & Android SDK, ASP.NET, C#/VB.NET, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, SQL, and TFS to design, code and test new iOS and Android mobile applications " Perform UI and UX Design, create supporting documentation, and leverage analytics to improve usability " Create interactive prototypes adhering to a rapid, iterative and collaborative process " Create technical specifications and test plans " Build out mobile services across the organization " Evaluate the performance of an application, testing and implementing appropriate improvements " Maintain existing apps by identifying and correcting software defects in an iterative fashion 【徵求條件】 " Must have a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related field, and 1-2 years of mobile application development and design experience with iOS and Android " Self-directed and passionate about mobility, and enjoys finding business value in delivering innovative new mobile applications in a fast-paced environment " Strong analytical abilities to evaluate complex technical, business and user requirements to create amazing solutions " Excellent written and verbal communications skills " Knowledge of systems development life cycle methodologies including agile/iterative " Knowledge of relational database concepts and data access techniques are a must " Experience working within a complex, highly-integrated, multi-tiered corporate environment is highly desired " User Experience Design and familiarity with the Xamarin platform are a plus " Working knowledge of Industry standard mobile application design patterns " Solid understanding of the latest design trends as exhibited in iOS 7/8 and Android current iterations " Ability to leverage sound usability and user experience principals " A current understanding of responsive design, mobile interfaces and content management systems; ability to replicate design and functionality aspects from one platform to another " Proven track record for deploying apps to both internal and external app stores " Working knowledge of application security issues " Ability to leverage hardware and operating system components like cameras, beacons, GPS, etc. " Technical requirements include: " iOS & Android SDK " C#/VB.NET " JavaScript / jQuery " HTML5 / CSS3 " JSON / RESTful / Web Services " SQL " Technical Pluses include: " MADP / Xamarin " MDM / XenMobile " Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator " Axure/Visio " TFS 【工作地點】 自由 【工作時間】 依照進度自由分配 【月休】 依照進度自由分配 【薪資範圍】 月薪25000-40000,可議 【需求人數】 1 【聯絡人/連絡方式】 呂小姐 0911019130 聯絡時間:10:00~20:00 job版禁止張貼違反「就業服務法」、「性別平等工作法」、「勞基法」與其他法律之文章 發文者已同意一切遵循現行法律,並確知文責自負。本工作確實勞健保! 此兩行刪除,文章會被刪除不另通知。 請各位資方配合遵守。 【公司名稱】 ※沒有填寫公司名稱將會被刪文。 ※人資沒有填寫人資公司以及原徵人公司(共2公司)名稱將會被刪文。 【工作職缺】 【工作內容】 沒有內容會被刪文!! 【徵求條件】 ※為保障板友就業機會平等,雇主對求職人或所僱用員工,不得以種族、階級 、語言、思想、宗教、黨派、籍貫、出生地、性別、性傾向、年齡、婚姻、 容貌、五官、身心障礙或以往工會會員身分為由,予以歧視。 【工作地點】 【工作時間】 ※沒有填寫工作時間將會被刪文。 兩週工時超過84小時,請寫加班費 【月休】 ※沒有填寫月休及排班制度將會被刪文。 【公司福利】 請勿寫勞健保 無勞健保是違法的 此欄請寫額外的福利 【薪資範圍】 ※行政院勞委會於103年7月1日起調漲基本工資為月薪19,273元 ※無薪資、比照國科會、比照本校規定、面議、電議,薪資不清等水桶一週 時薪工作請貼Part-Time板 月薪未達19273一樣會被刪文 【需求人數】 【聯絡人/連絡方式】 【其他備註】 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: debbbyy (, 05/08/2015 13:17:01

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批踢踢實業坊 Food 板
[食記] 新竹 老雲記麵食館
May 5th 2015, 22:20, by thudadai

作者thudadai (血壓血糖血脂~三高~>"<)


標題[食記] 新竹 老雲記麵食館

時間Tue May 5 22:20:30 2015

餐廳名稱:老雲記麵食館 消費時間:2015年/4月 地址:新竹市東區學府路1號 營業時間:AM11:00~PM2:00 PM5:30~PM8:30 (周一休) 圖文版: 下班時常走寶山路,平常晚上外食偏向回家時能夠順路買一買就好, 偶爾想不到要吃什麼就會買下山時的老雲記水餃+小菜,吃沒幾次,感覺還ok吧~ 這天中午兩個人都休假,又沒有特別訂位什麼餐廳,就乾脆過來吃個飯。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以往沒在店內用餐過,史前巨餓的情況下切了好大一盤滷味小菜,很吸睛, 還點了三種口味水餃各10顆,現在物價飛漲不似從前,水餃賣到6、7元的很常見, 以前說到便宜水餃直覺會想到台中的2元向上水餃,但也已是過去式。 我老姐自己空閒時包水餃賣附近的婆婆媽媽,用料扎實,塞了整顆的大草蝦仁,賣6.5元 ,我說如果是這樣的水餃那當然完全不貴,沒店面嘛~正常。 老雲記的餃子C/P值就普通了,上的這一盤我覺得盤子要再大一點, 鋪平、散熱,不然底下被壓悶著的餃子口感就變差, 如是這類的餃皮,個人愛好要Q有嚼勁,它的不太夠是軟糯了些。 內餡用料與調味,也稱不上令人有什麼特別的記憶點, 真要說大概就是蠻多汁的,印象中的韭菜水餃一咬下頗有湯汁。 水餃要煮的好,直到往口裡送時都完整是基本,好不好吃則覺得每個人的喜好影響甚鉅, 至今吃過的不多約三四十家吧,常是寫了食記便有人說這家很好吃或很難吃, 反差很大,上次去新豐有名的康莊小吃聚餐,說是麵館水餃起家賣到變大餐廳, 大夥點了兩大盤,我媽後來還說那間水餃很好吃,我說感覺還ok, 個人偏愛台北和桃園有在賣的阿玉水餃(有網友說他覺得阿玉是全台北最好吃的), 我媽呿的說他早就不吃了,咦~我記得他以前還蠻喜歡的阿~ 新竹吃過幾間,中大、金元寶、山東館、十一街、包好吃、芳鄰、孟家、葉記... 裡面有幾家還ok,個人比較喜歡芳鄰牛肉麵的,但也吃過NG品, 市場裡的葉記黑豬肉水餃,上次一名網友從桃園特地到新竹買,我也覺得這家不錯吃。 回到老雲記,一大盤的小菜吃爽度的,吃不完就塑膠袋包一包外帶囉! 滷味小菜水準一般般,很常見的口味,輕輕滷過的類型, 炸肉則習慣切得很薄,我還是覺得明和麵店的炸肉最好吃。 J女點了一碗乾麵,放了兩小片炸肉,吃了一口麵,嗯...實在不用特地點來吃, 倒是貢丸湯很有家裡煮的香菇肉湯味。 平時想不到吃什麼可以吃吃的店,突然想到還有幾家有賣餃子的聽說不錯,改天來吃吃~ -- 我的台灣Google美食地圖: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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^(oo)^~小米行動CCC :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
小米的地盤 Apple Mac iPhone iPad iOS Android 電腦 3C週邊 美食 旅遊 LINE 免費 貼圖等 族繁不及備載,嘿嘿ccccc如有合作或產品測試等事宜等歡迎於小米聯絡聯絡信 箱 
WeChat 超佛心的啦~這些動態貼圖通通都免費 光頭老伯 Rilakkuma 拉拉熊 MIGHTY ATOM 原子小金剛 海綿寶寶2 史迪奇
May 7th 2015, 05:26


那麼多通訊聊天軟體裏,其實說真的WeChat的貼圖最佛心了最佛心了最佛心了,因為幾乎通通都是免費的所以要說三次,而且還是動次動次的動態貼圖,這些貼圖在其他聊天軟體上,基本上都是要收費的,所以真的就屬它最大方~~這陣子又有好多套新的動態貼圖光頭老伯、Rilakkuma(拉拉熊)、MIGHTY ATOM(原子小金剛)、海綿寶寶2大家記得去下載哦。


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Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 教育學習 - 已解決
Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 教育學習 - 已解決 
May 5th 2015, 17:32





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