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Jan 15th 2015, 11:23, by VoiceTube看影片學英語

圖片來源:Steven Depolo @ Flickr , CC BY 2.0





1. saute (V.)

Add the carrots and celery, saute for 3 minutes. (加入紅蘿蔔和芹菜,煎三分鐘。)

2. simmerstew (V.) (N.)

Let the tomato soup simmer down to a rich one. (把番茄湯燉成濃湯吧。)

She sliced the onion and put it in the beef stew. (她把洋蔥切片放入燉牛肉中。)

3. broil (V.) (N.)


We’ll broil the lobster tonight. (今天晚上我們要來烤龍蝦。)

4. roast (V.)(N.)(Adj.)


We always roast lamb for Sunday lunch. (星期天的午餐我們總是吃烤羊肉。)

5. grill (V.)(N.)


We have grilled bacon and sausages.(我們有烤培根和烤香腸。)

6. bake (V.)(N.) 烘烤


My sister is interested in baking special-shape cake. .(我妹妹對於烤特殊造型的蛋糕很有興趣。)

7. fry (V.)(N.)

Would you mind that we fry the squid?(你介意我們炒花枝嗎?)

8. deep-fry (V.)(N.) 油炸

Deep-fry for about 4 minutes, until the onion has softened.(炸大約四分鐘,直到洋蔥變軟。)

9. nuke( V.) 微波

It’s dangerous to nuke your box with the microwave. (用微波爐微波你的盒子很危險。)

10. flip (V.) 翻面

The chef suddenly flipped the fish and got some applause. (廚師突然煎將魚翻面,並且得到掌聲。)

11. boil (V.)

The water is boiling now, please turn off the stove. (水滾了,請將火關掉。)

12. stir (V.)

If you want to make the cake smooth, you should stir the flour longer. (如果你想要讓蛋糕看起來更光滑,你要把麵粉攪拌得更久。)

13. chop (V.)(N.) 切絲

Chop the cucumbers and put them into the salad. (把小黃瓜切絲然後放進沙拉裡。)

14. dice(V.) 切塊

The chef dices the steak and divides to the customers. (廚師將牛排切塊分給客人。)

15. slice (V.)(N.) 切片

Slicing the bread can make it easier to eat. (將麵包切片比較好食用。)

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